Upcoming Events
Workshop on How to Conduct a Cochrane Systematic Review
- March 28-29, 2019
- The MacKenzie Room, Huang Engineering Center
- Stanford University
- Stanford, CA, USA
This intensive, 2-day workshop co-hosted by Cochrane Eyes and Vision U.S. Satellite and the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS) will guide participants through steps of developing a systematic review using the latest Cochrane methodology. It will offer lectures and hands-on sessions, providing plenty of opportunities to apply the methods and interact with the faculty. The workshop will be led by a team who has extensive expertise in conducting systematic reviews and in leading the development of methods to improve systematic reviews. Cochrane Eyes and Vision review authors who have a registered title, protocol, or review in The Cochrane Library are highly encouraged to attend. Thank you to our sponsors, the National Eye Institute (UG 1 EY020522) and the Stanford Division of Epidemiology!
Click here for more information.
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